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Commissioners Mable Butler and Homer Hartage Partner to Encourage African Americans to get COVID-19 Vaccine

Commissioners Mable Butler and Homer Hartage Encourage African Americans to get COVID-19 Vaccine

Commissioners Mable Butler and Homer Hartage Partner to Encourage African Americans to get COVID-19 Vaccine. Picture taken 2016

Politics foil replacing hazardous bridge to Jerusalem site

JERUSALEM (AP) A rickety bridge allowing access to Jerusalem’s most sensitive holy site is at risk of collapse, according to experts. But the flashpoint shrine’s delicate position at ground-zero of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has prevented its repair for more than a decade. The tenuous state of the Mughrabi Bridge has…

Commissioners Mable Butler and Homer Hartage Encourage African Americans to get COVID-19 Vaccine

Commissioners Mable Butler and Homer Hartage Partner to Encourage African Americans to get COVID-19 Vaccine

Former Orange County Commissioners Mable Butler and Commissioner Homer Hartage joined forces to promote increase participation of African Americans and Latinos in the upcoming Covid-19 vaccinations. Blacks and Latinos mistrust in medical institutions due to a history of discrimination is leading many to postpone getting the vaccination or not getting…

Global Diversity Awareness Month: Building an Equitable Workplace Culture For All

At a time when the world is focused on racial justice, compounded by a pandemic that has disproportionately upended Black, Latino, and underserved communities, it  is critical for companies — as the engines of economic opportunity and prosperity — to play a leading role in building a more equitable future…